Fighters and clubs may use these photos freely. If used for marketing, please ask a permission from the people in the photos.
Photographer: Tiia Pitkänen
Saturday + Sunday
Please mention the right photographer when publishing the photos!
Iina Kautto (sat+sun):
Instructions for using images behind the link. More pictures will be uploaded to the site later.
Tiia Pitkänen (sat+sun):
These pictures may be used freely by the fighters and the clubs.
Sara Kangasmaa (sat):
Ida Sangi (Sun):
Kickboxing at JMT

In the future, it will be possible to train at JMT under the guidance of experienced kickboxing coach Marko Saarinen. Welcome!
Kickboxing is practiced
- Wednesdays 19:30-21:00
- Saturdays 14:30-16:00
The registration is open for the Finnish Championships!

Registration for the 2023 adult and youth Thai boxing championships has opened on the forum of the Finnish Muay Thai Association!
The Finnish championships will be contested this year on October 13-15th. Vaajakoski sports hall (Vaajakosken liikuntahalli) in Jyväskylä. Weigh-in and medical check-up are organized at Sokos Hotel Paviljong, which serves as the official competition hotel for the competitions.
Registration ends on Sunday 24 September 2023 at 0:00. Subsequent registrations are not taken into account. See additional information about the event and instructions for competitors in the competition invitation.
Welcome to Jyväskylä!
The event is sponsored by:
- Terveystalo Jyväskylä
- Keskimaa
- Mondo Work Wear
- Hetakodit
- Rakennustyö Jana Oy
- Inmeco
- Iconsteel
- Hieronta Akilles
- Studio Nordic Sense
- Prestige Parturi
- Nom Jyväskylä
- Vesileikit.fi
Finnish Championships in Jyväskylä

This year the Finnish Championships for adults and youths are fought in Jyväskylä on the 13.th-15.th of October 2023.
The event happens in collaboration with the Finnish Muay Thai Federation. The qualifiers, semifinals and finals are all in the same event.
Mark the date to your calendar!
JMT is looking for sponsors and collaborators to the event. Inquiries Jyvaskylamuaythai (at) gmail.com / Minh "Joji" Le 040 1355702
Boxing practices in May
Boxing in May (Only in May) will be coached by Antti Parhiala and the training schedule for boxing is the following:
Monday: 16:45-18:00
Tuesday: 16:45-18:00
Wednesday: 19:00-20:30
The schedule for muay thai remains the same. Welcome!
The link to the photos taken today:
The photos are freely available for fighters and clubs. Please note that if you use the photos for advertising, you need to ask permission from all the people present in the photos.
Photographer: Tiia Pitkänen
Thank you all for a great day and great fights 🔥
HETAKODIT- a new sponsor

Great news, JMT just got a new sponsor for the year 2023 - Heta Kodit! Thank you for supporting our sports club.
All of our sponsors and associates can be found at the end of this page. Sponsors help us run our registered association, support competing and support the hobby opportunities for children and adults.
Yearly fees for our members
1. Membership fee
The Membership fee is 15€/year and it is compusory for all of our members. Please pay the membership fee to our account before the end of January. Account info and the reference number can be found in our website.
2. Muay Thai licence
Compusory to all trainees. Please pay the fee in suomisport.fi (not to our account!). The fee is 5€/year for trainees and 20€/year for fighters. Log into the page, choose muay thai as your sport and Jyväskylä Muay Thai Ry as your sportsclub. Choose the right licence for you.
You can take the licence with or without an insurance. An insurance is compulsory to only fighters.
3. Training fees
Choose the best way for you to train and pay the fees into our account with the right reference number.
- Monthly payment (incl. All practices) 40€/month
- Monthly payment for those under the age of 15: 30€/month
- One time payment 10€
- 10x card 60€
- 6 month payment 215€
- Boxing (doesn't include muay thai) 30€/month
- Junior Muay Thai 30€/month
You can also pay trainings with SmartumPay or Sporttipassi. Welcome!
Welcome to celebrate this years championships on 16.12.
On the 16th of december we celebrated the succes of our fighter Nina Saarelma, who brought home gold from both Finnish championships and Nordic championships. Congratulations Nina!
We also rewarded some of our trainers due to creditable training/fighting during the year 2022. The rewarded ones:
- The trainer of the year: Amjad Alshaer
- The newcomer of the year: Juhani Pajunen
- The fighter of the year: Mike Parhiala
- The junior of the year: Otto Oikari
- The most successful fighter of the year: Nina Saarelma
A special reward was given to Aimo Hedman, who takes care of cleaning at our gym.
We want to thank our trainers, fighters, coaches, our board members and everybody who's been involved in our year 2022.
You can now pay with SmartumPay!
You can now pay your training fees with the SmartumPay-app!
Jyväskylä Muay Thai 🔥
Photographer: ilmarihoolegs (instagram)
The sponsors and collaborations can be seen at the end of this page!

KESKIMAA - Our new sponsor

Keskimaa is involved in supporting Jyväskylä Muay Thai's junior activities during the 2023-2024 season, as well as the Thaiboxing championships organized in Jyväskylä on October 13-15! 💚
Keskimaa actively supports children's and young people's hobby activities and their development. Our junior activities, which have been running for more than a year, have grown all the time, and in the spring of 2023, JMT got the first junior competitors in its club history for the Thai Boxing Children's Championship. The pace is so good that there's no need to slow down now!
We have regularly offered free training opportunities to children from low-income families, people with refugee backgrounds, and to other children and young people in challenging life situations. We want to support the equal enjoyment of all children and young people and inspire them to engage in versatile hobbies. In addition, we want to promote the growth of our junior athletes into athletes by offering high-quality coaching and the opportunity to actively compete. With Keskimaa's support, we have even better opportunities for this.
Thank you, Keskimaa!

Outside training at 14:00 / Location: Kirri's beach near our gym. Please bring enought clothes according to the weather and your own training gear.
After the training it's possible to eat at NOM-restaurant (everyone pays for their own buffet) at 18:00. Please inform JMT staff before 31.5. if you are interested to join the restaurant (for the reservation).
After this it's possible to continue to the night with other members. 💃🏽
Open for all JMT's members! Welcome!
Next basic course starts on 20.4.2023!

New basic courses for adults (over the age of 15) starts on 20th of April.
Basic courses aim at training the techniques of Muay Thai and to improve your condition. You only need clothes suitable for indoor sports (no shoes) and a bottle of water.
The basic course trains twice a week, on Thursdays at 17:00 and on Saturdays at 13:00. The whole course costs 90€ (80€ if you are a student or unemployed) and lasts for two months. Instructions are given in Finnish, but all of our coaches speak English and all of the techniques are demonstrated visually.
Sign up now! Sign up via email to our main coach:
minhle (at) windowslive.com
You may read more about our rules here, descriptions of the basic course here and about our coaches here. Welcome!
New basic course for Juniors starts on 25.1.2023!

New basic course for Juniors starts on January 25th. The basic course is aimed for kids between the ages 8-15.
The aim of the basic course is to train the techniques of Muay Thai in a safe environment, improve your condition and most importantly - have fun.
You only need clothes suitable for indoor sports (no shoes), a bottle of water and a curious mind. Instructions are given mainly in Finnish.
Juniors train twice a week, on Wednesdays at 17:00 and on Saturdays at 12:00. The price of the course is 30€ /month (ref.nro. can be seen under prices.)
Please sign in via email to our main coach minhle (at) windowslive.com
Jyväskylä Muay Thai was accepted to the Finnish Boxing Federation on 8.3.2022!

Jyväskylä Muay Thai was accepted to the Finnish Boxing Federation! Now our
members can also attend boxing fights.
Antti Parhiala is in charge of competing in boxing and Daniel Barkane coaches boxing.
How covid-19 affects training, updated 20.10.2022
One must sign up to each training via Nimenhuuto -app. At the moment, there are no limitations regarding the amount of people.
Let's remember to take care of our basic hygiene; please join our trainings only if you are completely healthy, remember to wash your hands and maintain a proper safe distance to other couples. Please disinfect all of the gear you used during your training (pads, mitts, punchbag..) There are cleaning wipes and disinfectant at the gym.
In case of exposure to covid, please inform us as soon as possible, so we can reach the other exposed ones. You can reach us for example via jyvaskylamuaythai(at) gmail.com. We do not share the names of the exposed ones to others.